Dear Members,

  1.Whenever you book room for your guests ,Kindly  inform the club via Mail/ Letter .Not orally .Also direct the club that whether all charges to be  collected from the guest or to be debited in your account.If instructed that the amount to be collected from the guest ,Please intimate them that and advance  in full have to be paid.

 2.Members using the chambers are entailed to use the credit facilities up to Rs.10000/- only, Any bill above Rs.10000/- should be settled within 15 days from the date of billing,Any party  bills should be settled with in 7 days from the date of billing.

 3.We kindly request you to bring your guest,only through the main gate & Sign for them at the reception please do not bring or send any guest from the back side gate your co operation in this regard is highly appreciated.

 4.The Memorandum of Association and rules of The Kodaikanal club rule 8   clause 2 says as under ,No members shall introduce  more than 5 guest at a time .Members are requested to follow the same .

5.Member Guest: 

A Member  may introduce persons  who qualify under Rule IV – Clause (1) as his / her guests for a period  not exceeding 30 days  in “any official  year “. This introducing members  shall pay  a guest  charges  of  Rs.20/- (Plus 18% GST) per day for  each  guest except during the period  April  20th  the June 5th when the guest charge  will be  Rs.50/- per day

Please note that the Member should accompany with guest during the entire period of usage.

6.Temporary Members:

          Visitors  to Kodaikanal who qualify under Rule IV –Clause 1  of the club may become  as temporary  Members  on being  introducing  and  proposed by a Permanent  Member for a period  of 30 consecutive  days,  which may be extended at the discretion  of the committee for a  further  period  of 30  consecutive days in special  cases .He/she will pay a  sum  as temporary  membership  fees  of Rs.100 per day during  off season  Days and  Rs.200/- during  season period (Plus 18% gst)

 Credit Limit is enhanced from Rs.10000/- to 30000/-Members are requested  to Keep the credit limit  with in the stipulated amount.

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